Spice up your party !
Few party games are so well-known and well-liked as beer pong. While technically a drinking game, beer pong requires a great deal of skill and a little luck, and it can be enjoyed by just about anybody.
Numbers of players: Play one-on-one or with teams of two (teams of two will take turns throwing the ball each time they get a turn).
1. Fill 20 16-oz plastic cups halfway with beer. If you want to avoid drinking too much, consider filling each ¼ up the way with beer.
2. Fill a bucket with clean water to rinse balls before throwing.
3. Arrange the plastic cups into a 10-cup triangle at each end of the table
4. Determine who goes first. Many games are started by a member of each team playing rock, paper, scissors. Winners go first.
Playing beer pong1. Take turns throwing the balls into cups. Each team gets to throw one ball per turn. The goal is throw the ball into a cup of the opposing team. You can throw the ball directly into a cup or bounce a ball off of the table into a cup.
2. Drink according to where the ball lands. When the ball lands in a cup, alternate drinking the beer between you and your partner.
3. Restack the cups into a diamond when 4 cups remain.
4. Arrange the last 2 cups into a single file line.
5. Keep playing until one team has no cups remaining. The team who has no cups loses
King’s Cup is a great option because the rules are so simple. King’s Cup involves the drinks in your hand (typically beer) and a deck of cards. Each card is associated with an action or mini game that leads to some fun competition.
1. A deck of cards
2. The King's Cup — aka a large cup for the center of the table
3. 1-2 drinks per person (this can obviously be water or any beverage of your choice).
Place your large container or cup in the middle of a table and evenly scatter the cards around it. Once everyone has their own beverage to sip from, you are ready to go.
Each player takes a turn selecting a card from the scattered cards in the center of the table. Each card has an action that follows it, like the three card being “me” and eight being “mate.” The action that goes with each card varies, so feel free to make it your own. Here are the most common King’s Cup card meanings:
Ace - Waterfall: Once someone picks an Ace, everyone must start chugging their drink. The person who picked the card can stop when they want; this allows the person to their right to stop drinking whenever. When that person stops drinking, the person to their right can stop. This goes on until everyone is no longer drinking.
Two — You: The person who picks two points to another person and that person drinks.
Three — Me: If you pick a three, you are drinking
Four — "Whores": "Whores" is not the word I would choose, but if someone picks a four, all the ladies drink.
Five — Never Have I Ever: When someone picks a five, each player puts up 3-5 fingers. The person who picked the five starts with saying something they have never done. If you have done it, you put a finger down. The first person to put down all their fingers, loses and drinks.
Six — "Dicks": Another subpar choice of words in pursuit of a good rhyme. Six means all the guys take a drink.
Seven — Heaven: When a seven is picked, every player must raise their hand to “heaven,” i.e. point to the sky. The last player to do so drinks. This is a great time to ask for forgiveness for this game.
Eight — Mate: This isn't the type of “mate” you want. The person who selects an eight, picks another player to be their mate. When one of the mates drinks, the other has to as well. This rule remains until someone picks another eight.
Nine — Rhyme: This card will feel a little like a game you would play at summer camp as a kid. Don't get cocky — it's a little harder when you're a couple drinks deep. Whoever picks the nine says a word. The person to the right has to say a word that rhymes with it; this goes on until someone cannot think of a rhyme. That person has to take a drink.
Ten — Categories: The person who picks a ten has to come up with a category (breakfast foods, countries, colors, etc.) and the person to their right has to say something in the category. When someone can't come up with something in that category, they drink.
Jack — Make a Rule: It might not rhyme, but this card is still fun. Whoever picks the jack comes up with a rule (you can only drink with your left hand, don't use first names, etc.) and whoever breaks the rule throughout the game drinks.
Queen — Questions: The person who picks a queen poses a question to anyone in the game. That person has to respond to the question with another question (What time is it? Is it around midnight?). This goes on until someone does not respond with a question and they (you guessed it) drink.
King — King's Cup: Finally, the namesake of the game. When the first three kings are drawn, that player pours some of their drink into the King's Cup. The person who draws the fourth and final king drinks the contents of the cup. (Yum!)
As far as drinking games go, this is one of the easiest to both set up and to play. The coin flip drinking game is when one person flips a coin and the other calls it in the air. If they’re wrong they drink and guess again until they get it. When they get it they become the flipper and pick someone else to torment. This game works with anywhere from 2-10 players.
What you'll need : All you need is a coin of any kind and a drink for each player.
Coin Flip Drinking Game Rules:
- First players choose who starts as the flipper. The flipper then points to someone who will be doing the guessing. The flipper flips the coin and the guesser guesses what it will land on.
- If the guess was wrong, they take a sip and they try again. This can happen unlimited times.
- If the guess was correct the guesser wins! They now become the flipper and choose a player to be the guesser. They cannot choose the player that was just the flipper last.
Bonus Rules:
- If someone gets 2 guesses wrong in a row, their guesses are now worth double drinks.
- If someone gets 5 guesses wrong in a row they must get down on one knee and finish their drink.
- If someone gets 6 guesses wrong in a row they are the unholy god of bad luck. They get to make a game rule and anyone caught breaking it takes a drink.
Flip cup is a quick and easy competitive drinking game. Two teams of 3-6 players face off and try to flip their cups the fastest.
What you'll need : To play flip cup, you will need 1 solo cup per player filled all of the way up with beer. You will also need a long table to play on so that the players can be lined up one after the other.
Setup: Line the cups across the table with one team’s cups on one side and the other team’s on the other side. Fill the cups up with beer and have each team member position themselves next to a cup.
The play: Determine which side of the table will start and begin the game on the count of three. The first player must finish their beer and flip the cup so that it lands upside down. To do so, you must flick the bottom part of the cup with your finger. Once the cup lands upside down, the next player on the team can start drinking. This continues until all players on one team have finished their beers and flipped their cups.
Winning: The game ends when one team has completed the challenge. The first team to drink all of their beers and flip their cups successfully wins! Keep in mind that it’s an automatic disqualification if you drink or flip your cup out of turn
Jenga is a game of skill and strategy. First, stack the wooden blocks to build a tower. Then, take turns moving pieces until the tower falls over. Try to keep your hand steady!
Blocks actions:1. Ass grab the person to your left until its your turn
2. Keep physical contact with the person to your right for the whole game
3. Everyone over 25 finish their drink
4. Drink 3 fingers worth of your drink
5. Headstand vodka shot
6. Pick 2 people to do a shot
7. Pick someone to finish their drink
8. Everyone wearing black drinks
9. Person to your left takes a shot
10. Dicks drink !
11. The person to your left draws on your face
12. Play the rest of the game in underwear or finish your drink.
13. Text your mom you love her
14. All girls drink
15. Pick someone in the game you want to sleep with.
16. Person to your right finish their drink
17. Everybody shorter than you drinks
18. Take two shots
19. Anyone under 21 drinks
20. Drink if you ever cheated on your partner
21. Lick the neck to your right
22. Motorboat the closest girl
23. Everyone drinks
24. Swap shirts with the person to your left
25. Kiss the person to your right
26. Lap dance to the person to your right
27. Drink if you had a treesome
28. Finish your drink
29. Choose someone to take their top off
30. Spit your drink into the mouth of the person to your right
31. Ask the person to your left to take your hand in marriage
32. Take another turn
33. Drink if you peed in the shower
34. ROCK - PAPER - SCISSORS - with the person to your right. Loser takes a shot
35. Everyone point to the person you think is the most drunk. Person drinks
36. Everuone takes off one part of clothing - shoes does not count
37. Drink if you are lactose intolerant
38. SHOEY! Finish your drink out of your shoe
39. Kiss the closest beard
40. MEDUSA - Look down, if you make eye contact with someone drink together
41. SHOW OFF - Drink if you have tattoos
42. Last person who went to the toilet takes a shot
43. Do a shot with the person to your left
44. Everyone who have longer hair than you drinks
45. Take 3 shots
46. Eat a tip of the spicy shit
47. Drink if you want to have sex with someone in this game
48. Drink if you had more sexual partners than your age
49. Lick your elbow or finish your drink
50. Pick someone to slap you
51. Drink a shot without making a face
52. The party guide is choosing who is drinking
53. The party guide is drinking